Monday, 30 March 2015

Editing the music video

The editing process was long and took place over several different occasions. When editing I focused on timing. One way in which I did this was by pacing the shot changes to the beat of the music. As well as that I focused  on making sure that the lip syncing was accurate. 

To make the editing visually appealing several effects were used. 

A few examples include:

using four boxes to view different shots at the same time.

using coloured flash transitions, playing footage backwards, and more. 


The animatic and the general storyline will be used to help with the filming and editing of this music video. 

Below is my original guideline to the music video's storyline.

It would be shot like a vlog type video, documenting the artist as they moved around. 
The storyline follows an ambitious young person who holds auditions for a band, however as they sing into the first verse it becomes apparent that no one will show up. 
This will be shown through the acting and several filler shots such as acts of boredom such as lying the desk and tapping fingers.
 Once it is clear that the audition has failed that artist moves onto the band room where they decide to become a one man band and so proceeds to try and learn to play several instruments. However, this doesn't go well. This will be shown through either split screens or boxes as we cut between shots of the artist outside trying to promote themselves to the public but being rejected. Despite the setbacks the artist doesn't give up and finds themselves getting better at playing instruments. We then see them slowly being accepted by the public and gaining popularity. The video would then end with the artist
showing that they made it as the video transitions to a photo-shoot showing that they made it. Alternately, instead of showing the artist gaining ultimate popularity we can show that the artist has started their career and it is slowly and successfully growing; which could be done through them busking them in public and having a crowd gather. 


Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Day 5 Filming

Day 5 was filmed in South bank. Michelle took the lead of the shots; which consisted of filler shots for the music video. My role was to take some pictures that could be used for the front cover, and or digipak. Below is a candid photograph of Alex taken by myself. 


Narrative is the way the story is organised.

Elements of narrative 

Time - Is it shown in chronological order and real time?
For our thriller, the time was in chronological oder but time slightly jumps forward; as we watch the female go through processes of cooking.

For our music video the time spans over the space of two days.

Closure - Solving the enigma
Enigma - The msyteries/problems
In our thriller there are several enigmas including:
What was in the bag?, Are they partners?, Whose finger is that? Did they kill someone?, Are they evil?

Like classical hollywood narratives our thriller was set in linear as it went from beginning to end

Theories of Narrative

Tzvetan Todorov's theory 

Using our music video plot:

Equilibrium - The main character in the audition room

Disruption: The fact that no one comes to his audition

Next: Decides to take his own initiative and produces his own band

Restored order: Becomes a successful artist
New Equilibrium: He is now a famous star

Vladimir Propp - identifies 8 character types
  1. Protagonist (the hero)                      
  2. Antagonist (the villain)                 
  3. Provider (the donor)                     
  4. The helper                                      
  5. The father                                      
  6. The dispatcher                                
  7. The princess                                   
  8. The false hero                               
Roland Barthes

Barthes proposed that there a text had a wide range of potential meanings and and can change depending on the viewpoint it is seen through. 

Texts that can be read in numerous ways are called polysemic texts, as it open to different interpretations. For example, some praise the film Scarface for being a rags to riches story whereas others choose to see it as a glorification of violence. 

Barthes said that texts can either be open or closed.

An open text has numerous threads to pull, meaning it has multiple interpretations. A great example of this would be the film Inception as it leaves the viewer uncertain of whether the character is dreaming or dead. 

A closed text has only one obviouis thread to grasp. This means the film ends neatly and every enigma is resolved. Most films choose to use this. 


The music video for Eminem's Stan can be applied to all of the theories.

For Todrov's theory we can see that the disruption begins as his letter does not get replied to and Stan becomes irrational.

In relation for Propp's theory we can see that Stan could be considered the protagonist or the villain, and Stan's girlfriend would be the princess. Eminem would be the hero to Stan in the beginning but would turn to the villain to him at the end. 

In relation to Barthe's theory we can see that the music video would be considered a closed text as none of the audience's questions are answered such as the obvious 'why is he obsessed with Eminem?'

Monday, 23 March 2015


A digipak is a book-style type of CD packaging with one or more plastic trays capable of holding a CD attached to the inside. 
Digipaks are visually appealing and allow the artist to creatively convey the artist's song and image. 

What is included in a Digipak?

  • Photographs - usually of the artist, however creative images that reflect the artist, and or the music's message can be used. 

  • A track list - often including writing credits

  • One box with a disk impression, in which the disk will be placed in front of 

  • Information about the music label, musicians, a message from the artist, copyright and year of release

  • Barcode and QR and a logo for the record company

Examples of Digipaks 

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Day 4

Day Four was another fun day of filming. This time we ventured outside to film the scene in which Alex performs for the public. This was a fairly simple shoot as it only involved Alex singing into the mic and filming this at various angles and shots. We were even blessed to have Michelle playing the role of the business woman who kick starts Alex's career! 

Day 3

Day 3 was a quick shoot in the band room. This shoot was different as I was the only group member present. However, the shoot was not hard and went smoothly as again I had carefully planned out the shots and angles that needed to be included. The filming took place in the band room and Alex and I had fun experimenting with the variety of instruments! In this scene Alex decides to become a one woman band and tries to learn how to play instruments. However, it does not go as plan as Alex realises it is harder than she expected. However, after some practise she is able to learn, grow and rock!

Day 2

Day 2 went a lot better as I had carefully planned all the shots and angles that were required  of the storyline. Filming went quickly and smoothly as we shot the audition scene in which Alex sings waiting for auditionees for her new rock band but becomes disheartened when no one shows up. After filming we were certain that this music video was going to be amazing. For day 2, not only was I able to improve on my planning but also on my camera work. 

Day 1

The first day of filming went well. Although we were not completely sure on the direction we should go, we managed to find one once the camera started rolling! We could tell that this video was going to be a hit as Alex is very charismatic and perfectly suits the song and concept. The only problem we came across was that Alex did not completely know the lyrics but this problem was evaded once we fed them to her!

New star, new song!

As filming with Tariq did not go to plan we had to find a new star to feature in our music video. However, it was extremely hard to find a male candidate so unfortunately we had to change our song. However, the storyline would remain the same. This time we opted for a female song and found the perfect female lead. Alex! Alex graciously agreed to be in our music video and so we chose the song 'cool kids' by Echosmith. Although this is a signed song that we have not gained permission to use, the band encourages covers of their songs as they like to see their fans and it gives them publicity as they are a rather new group. 
Echosmith is an indie pop/rock band that was formed in 2009 and are best known for their song 'cool kids'.

Location Sheet

Audition Room

Health and safety issues to note

-Careful (bending knees/communication) when lifting equipment - tables
-Careful not to overload plug sockets
-Handle lights carefully

Band Room

Health and safety issues to note

- Careful when handling musical instruments 


-Be carful when handling camera 
-Make sure wires are clearly seen to avoid tripping accidents

Risk assessment

Risk Assessment
Group Members: 4 Location: Band Room, Outside, Music Room
Person(s) at Risk
Likelihood of Hazard
1 – Extremely Unlikely
5 – Extremely Likely
Severity of Hazard Outcomes
1 – Very Low Risk
5 – Very High Risk
Risk Level
(Likelihood + Severity)
Measures to Take to Manage Risk
Risk Managed?
Getting lost  or not knowing our route
Plan route accurately and make sure that everyone knows the route
Bad Weather
Check weather forecast the day before we film to make sure it doesn’t rain.
Carrying heavy equipment
Bend your knees, no distractions, communicate what you are doing

Emergency Service: 999

Robert Clack School: Green Lane Lower Site
                                       RM8 1AL

                                       Tel: 02082704222


Group Roles
Michelle - Camera woman
Georgia - Camera woman/Assistant Director
Lauren - Director/Editor
Tariq - Clean up - editing
The iRonics ~ Posion

Character puts up audition posters for new band
Waits in audition room in which sshe lip syncs first verse - no one arrives
Moves on to band room to start his own band, starts unsuccessfully practising on all the instruments
Moves on to streets
Back to playing instruments but more successful this time
Move on to skate park for photoshoot

Key Genre Conventions:

Lip synching
Instrument playing

Shot List

Shot List

Shot Type
Hanging poster


Audition room

Band room

Long shot
Medium shot
Close up

Close up

Extreme close up
Close up
Mid shot

Extreme close ups
Close ups
Medium shots

Medium shot
Extreme/Close ups

Walking towards wall
Back view
Hands - poster view

Audition room/Photoshoot Scene

Cut ins
Head shot
Desk scene

Playing instruments

Character singing in public