Tuesday 7 April 2015

Constructing Digipak and Advert 1st Attempt

These are the first images I took. My images were aimed to be for my group's digipak, and magazine advert. 

As you can see the majority of these images are close ups as this is how I envisioned our artist to be represented. It also allows the focus to be on the artist as the background I had to work with was not particularly interesting. 

These album covers and adverts are very similar to what I envisioned for our artist. 
Similar to this album, I also tried a more serious and contrasting look with black and white; because its simplicity captures your attention. 

 As a real record label would require for their artist, I have photo-shopped this image and airbrushed the artist's face to get rid of any blemishes to give the image a professional look. 

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